Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A couple of lyrics

I just wanna share the lyrics to a couple of songs I wrote a while ago.


Walking through each day, wonderin where I'm going
The sun is down before I even know what I'm doing
So I close my eyes and I shut my ears
Turn off my mind and just keep on walking

Desensitize me so I don't gotta think no more
Desensititize me with shows, clothes and booze
Desensitize me with another cup of coffee please

Look to the east and the west
Lectures and theories, philosophies
Where are the answers to my hearts condition
Scared to see what I will find so subconsciously I shout

Desensitize me so I don't gotta think no more
Desensitize me with busy-ness, no time to spare
Desensitize me with another cup of coffee please...

Walking just walking just walking...
Walking and walking just walking...

Will your Kingdom Come?

I can hear the world cry out, injustice all around me
But I keep on walking as none's wrong

I can see my friend choke down, people dying 'round me
But I close my eyes to see no one

I can't do this longer now, I've become a corpse
Strip me to the core so I can breathe

I want to breathe want to be free
To live a life created for me
Oh God break me apart
Help me to see your heart

I can hear the world cry out, injustice all around me

I can see my friend choke down, people dying 'round me

But I choose to be a part of Kingdom Come.


vfehr said...

would love to hear these songs of yours.

Simon said...

I wanna hear them again